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Asia Committee Developing Plans for Trade Opportunities

Published by The Promenade Newspaper - October/November 2007

    The Asia Committee, formed to develop trade opportunities between South Florida and Asian countries, held its fourth meeting in September with a large representation from industry present. Chairman Bernhard Schutte welcomed His Excellency Owen C.W. Hsieh, Director General of the Taipei Economic and Cultural Office in Miami, who gave a presentation on the rapid economic development taking place in Taiwan and the impact growth is having on the country.
For virtually everyone in the U.S. there is a direct connection to Taiwan because the country is the number one supplier of cell phones worldwide.

    The organization will be forming subcommittees and focus groups to target industries of interest that have been identified in previous meetings.

Schutte said the website is up and running and offers advertising opportunities which will help to generate funds to support trade missions to Asian countries. Schutte was also to visit and then report on the possibility of a Sister City relationship between Kaohsiung, Taiwan and Fort Lauderdale.

Left to right: His Excellency Hiroshi Yamaguchi, Consul General of Japan (front); Mr. John McCartney, Director, US Department of Commerce (back); Dr. Basil Mangra, Asia Committee Vice Chair; Ms. Clara Bennett, Manager, Fort Lauderdale Executive Airport; Mr. Bernhard Schutte, Chairman, Asia Committee; His Excellency Owen C.W. Hsieh, Director General, Taipei Economic and Cultural Office; His Excellency Angelo Macatangay, Consulate General of the Philippines; Mr. Russel Weaver, Vice Chair, Asia Committee.